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About Us
The Islamic Center of Medford Coram (ICMC) was founded in 1992. (ICMC) is a nonprofit, religious organization. ICMC is located on the North of the Long Island Expressway (LIE), Exit 64, East of 112 and South of Granny Road, 15 Lee Lane, Medford 11763, NY. The main objectives of the members at that time were to maintain the Islamic values and cultural needs of the Muslim community and prosper the religious and cultural wellbeing of the community, including the children and future generations of the community.
Practically started serving the community in 2005 when our respected Imam Shaykh Muti ur Rahman moved from Queens, NY to Medford, Long Island and started daily prayers, Friday prayers, Evening classes for kids, Adults and weekly Dars e Quran.
In 2008 we purchased a piece of land (3.65Acres) to establish a proper Islamic center along with a community center to serve the thriving Muslim community. In 2016 ICMC was able to get the building permit and started building a new Masjid.